You have turned on my light! The Lord my God has made my darkness turn to light.
Dear Ones: Turned on My Light! Our current culture has a similar expression called a “lightbulb moment.” The free dictionary defines it this way: A sudden ingenious or inspired idea or insight. David wrote this song to extol the wonders and power of God’s delivering hand on the day he declared victory over all his enemies. He testified that God gave him inspired ideas or strategies on how to defeat his enemies. God gave him lightbulb moments and strength to leap over walls to defeat his enemies in battle.
Today, we can turn to the Lord and ask Him to shed light onto the dark situations that are challenging our faith in His goodness. When you read the Scriptures be sure to ask Him to light up the verses that speak to your circumstances. We can ask for lightbulb moments that will reveal His solutions to our problems. He will enlighten our understanding (turn on the light) so that the enemy can no longer blind our minds with falsehoods. In a real sense, He will light our lamps so that we can see which way to turn to avoid the enemy’s traps.
Prayer: “Lord, I ask you to turn on my light that I might see and understand how to prevail against the challenges I am facing today. Give me the lightbulb moments that will reveal your goodness as you see me through to victory. There is no darkness in you, so, light the lamp of my inner man with the glory light of Your presence. I am filled with Your light and overcome the darkness. Praise the Lord!” I bless you to have a light-filled day in Jesus’ name.