The Pure in Heart

This excerpt of the video transcript sets the path we follow in this lesson. As the attributes of the Blessed work in us we come to a place that only the pure hearted ones can attain. I hope you watch the entire video. It is full of spiritual wisdom.

The progression continues as the attributes of the “blessed” bring us to the pure of heart. The pure-hearted believer is promised that he shall see God. Even as the Psalmist prophesied, the pure-hearted one would be allowed to ascend the hill of the Lord: access the Kingdom’s higher spiritual ground. The spiritually pure-hearted one is free from moral fault or guilt. This is the character of the Lord Jesus, the Sinless One. At the new birth we exchanged our garments stained with sin for His pure and holy garments of righteousness. Our spirit-man is reborn in a moment; however, the renewing of our souls and bodies comes incrementally as we learn how to walk out our lives in Him.

I hope you will use the scriptural references below the video to do your own study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you to the verses that will inspire you to desire further intimacy with HIM.