The whole earth sprouts newness and life in the springtime, and green shoots break through the well-seeded garden soil. That’s what it is like with the Eternal’s victory— the Lord will cause justice and praise to sprout up before all the nations, for all peoples to see.
Dear Ones: The Eternal’s Victory! The Lord will cause justice and praise to spring up in all the nations of the world. This is the end goal of the Father’s plans for the nations, that all peoples will see His goodness and glory. Let’s consider this verse as you watch the sprouting of new life in the trees and our gardens this Spring. God’s plan for His beloved earth is for it to be restored to her original condition.
The Lord, the Eternal One, will have His victory over all of His enemies. His plan is for the entire globe: every nation, tribe and tongue. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne; He will have them prevail in all lands. The theme of this chapter in Isaiah is the “Good News of Salvation.” The grand plan of our God does not exclude any race or people group. He is an inclusive God that wants all to share in the blessings of the Salvation He freely offers.
The Lord Jesus quoted from this chapter when He explained His rescue mission to the people. In fact, when you read the entire chapter you realize it is Messiah who is revealing these things to us. Jesus is the Eternal’s Victory: His victory won for our freedom.
May you rejoice in the Eternal’s Victory over all the forces of darkness for you, your family, and for your nation. Like David, we are encouraged as we see the goodness of the Lord manifested in our lives. It is a good day to rejoice in His Victory that causes you to overcome. I bless you in Jesus’ name.