Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older, he will remain upon it.
Dear Ones: Teach a Child! To choose the right path. The greatest responsibility of a parent is to teach their children right from wrong. The crucial ingredient in this statement is the standard by which the parent uses to distinguish right from wrong. The solid foundation of the Word of God is immutable and brings stability to a child as they go through the physical and mental maturing process. However, if the standard used to determine right from wrong is the ever-changing cultural norms of society, then there is no stable foundation for the child to use as they grow up.
But fear not, if you did not have a true biblical foundation instilled in you from your youth. When you are born-again receiving Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to teach you and guide you on the right path. The right path leads you to a place called “blessings.” Proverbs 10:22, NKJV, reveals to us that, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.” This is good news! Using your freewill, you can change the path you are following. Then you can help guide others (children) to choose the right path by sharing your testimony.
Declaration: “Father, I thank You for the Holy Spirit and His mission to “teach a child” the right path for living an overcoming life. As a child of God, I choose to follow the truth He reveals to me through Your Word. I shall share my testimony of Your goodness and mercy with my family, friends, and those in my sphere of influence. Thank You for training me up on Your knee. Praise the Lord!” Have a blessed day. In Jesus’ name.
#Teachachild #rightpath #Godsword