Isaac settled in and made a place for himself in the land, sowing seeds and reaping one hundred times what he had planted that year. The Eternal One indeed put a blessing on him
Dear Ones: Sowing Seeds and Reaping! Isaac sowed natural seeds on his farmland. Because of God’s blessings he received an overwhelming harvest. Isaac was not necessarily what we would call today “a paragon of virtue.” However, as Abraham’s son of promise, God protected and blessed him because of the blood covenant agreement He made with Abraham’s blood line.
Sowing seeds and reaping a harvest is a principle that applies to the natural as well as the spiritual. Believers are engrafted into the blood line of Christ. Therefore, we are to sow the seeds of the Word of God into the soil of our hearts (inner man). Seeds of righteousness, justice, love, joy, peace are just a few powerful seeds we are commissioned to plant. The goal is to become more Christlike as these seeds begin to flourish and grow. Holy Spirit helps us to produce the good fruits of Christ’s nature in us. The more seeds we sow the greater is our harvest.
Declare today: “ He enabled me to partake of His nature, so the fruits of His character are part of my harvest. The good fruit I produce pleases My Father. Praise the Lord!” Have a fruit-filled day. I bless you in Jesus’ name.