Sleep in Peace

I go to bed and sleep in peace, because, Lord, only you keep me safe.

Psalm 4:8 (NCV)

Dear Ones: Sleep in Peace is a blessing of the Lord. Many times, when our head hits the pillow, our minds begin to race with thoughts of the day. The mind wants to replay all of the negative things that happened. Time passes as we stare at the clock. We know that this is not right, but it seems the recording won’t stop.

I found out long ago, that if I read the bible or started quoting scriptures, the noise in my head ceased. The Holy Spirit alerted me to the fact that the person who was keeping me up was sleeping sweetly while I was not. Use verses like this one to quell the night-time mind games. The Word is one of our spiritual weapons that is continually at our disposal. Hide the Word in your heart and It will keep you safe so you can sleep in peace.

May the peace of God give you sweet repose tonight. Allow His Word to be like a canopy of love over you. No matter what the natural circumstances His peace is available to the ones who are in Christ. I bless you in Jesus’ name.