“Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
Dear Ones: The Prosperity of His Servant brings the Lord pleasure and delight. But the children of God who are in Christ are not just mere servants, but children of His House—children of Light. Our Father delights to shower great blessings upon us who are born of Christ. In the blessings we receive, His fame and goodness are magnified for the world to see.
When He blesses His children, then His greatness is revealed. It is a mutually shared blessing. When we are blessed, we give Him thanks and praise. Our thanks and praise draw on His goodness and more blessings can be released toward us. His love starts it off and a spiral of blessings, thanksgiving, love, and joy continue to expand upward and outward. As we are blessed, then it is easier to become a blessing to others. Our desire to share His love and blessings grow richer and deeper every time we receive from His hand.
May you experience the prosperity of His Servant as His child of light. Open your heart to receive His blessings upon blessings today. It is a good day to take pleasure in these words of life and comfort. Who the Lord has blessed is truly blessed indeed. I bless you in Jesus’ name.