Portals of Power Video

Portals of Power Video

In this Portals of Power video I am visited by my sister, Rosary Bullard. We each share entries from our journals about the portals of power in the Word of God. Here is an excerpt from Rosary’s journal to whet your interest.

What this means is that even in the darkest times, even when all seems futile, I am still in control. “My Kingdom rules over all”—even the fallen (dark) ones. “I have established My Throne”—nothing can prevail against Me—try as they might. I am able to the nth degree. Rejoice! The plans of God are good. Even in the fallen state of mankind, I stoop low to lift him up. The minions of God have resolved to do the parts they have been given. Rejoice! The plans and purposes of God will prevail! All falls out as it should.
—Word of the Lord to Rosary Bullard

I hope you will watch the entire video and be encouraged. The Word is Alive and Powerful. Sow It into the depth of your soul and body. It will change you from the inside out.

At the end of this video, there are declarations that every child of God should make. Listen and then come up with your own Spirit led declarations. Use the scripture references below the video as a jumping off point for your own. Holy Spirit will guide you so follow His leadings.