There is one God and one Mediator between God and us—the man Jesus, God’s Anointed,Who gave His life as a ransom for all so that we might have freedom.
Dear Ones: One Mediator! Mr. Webster explained in 1828 that Christ is a mediator by nature, as partaking of both natures divine and human; and mediator by office, as transacting matters between God and man. As true God and true man, our Lord reconciled mankind back to the Father so that we would be set free from the law of sin and death. (See Romans 8:2.)
FREEDOM is not free! If someone needs to be set free, then there is a force that is keeping them in bondage. That force might be a heavy burden of debt, unlawful bondage of some kind, and many other ways that the enemy of our souls constricts our liberties to make us slaves. The Lord confirms this in John 8:34, AMP. “Jesus answered, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, everyone who practices sin habitually is a slave of sin.’”
But Christians are no longer in slavery to the law of sin and death. The Lord Jesus took all that the enemy can throw at us and dealt with it through the Cross. There is only One Mediator who offered His sinless blood to pay the wages of sin for all of the human race.
During this Holy Week remember to thank the One Mediator Who is the Captive’s Release. Celebrate His victory that He won for you and your family. The price of Freedom is very high so cherish your liberty and honor Him with your every breath. Use your liberty in Him to represent your King to everyone in your sphere of influence. I bless you in Jesus’ name.