You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
Dear Ones: Most Dear to You! You mourn over the loss of what is most dear to you. It may be the passing of a loved one, a failed marriage, prodigal children, or a job. But this verse from the Beatitudes reminds us that the Lord’s comforting embrace will get you through.
Isaiah 61:1-3 detailed the mission of Messiah. He was sent to comfort those who mourn and heal the brokenhearted, to name a few of the things He was sent to accomplish. However, His mission is still ongoing. He works through believers who are charged to continue His work. A comforting word or touch releases the power of healing to a hurting soul. An anointed “Jesus hug” can lift the burden of grief and despair when the loss seems too heavy to carry. Our Savior, the One Most Dear to You, is acquainted with grief and sorrows. Therefore, He knows what you need to help you through this wilderness experience. Call out to Him and receive His healing comfort through the vessels He sends to you at this hour.
The One most dear to you comes bringing comfort and peace to your soul. Choose to receive His embrace filled with healing power to mend your broken heart. Release your cares and burdens to Him exchanging them for His peace and joy. It is a good day to rest in His embrace. Praise the Lord! I bless you in Jesus’ name.
#Healthebrokenhearted #Comfortthosewhomourn #Healingembrace