Rumble: Kingdom Directives Video
Paul is continuing to move our videos off of YouTube and onto Rumble. This is a precautionary measure because YouTube has been known to be unfriendly to the Christian posters on their site.
In this video, we continue to study the Sermon on the Mount and the directives the Lord gives to believers. The first thing is forgiveness. Oh, boy, that is a biggie! Our flesh does not like this because it wants to be vindicated when we have been wronged. However, it is a major issue with the Lord. He taught the tenets contained in the Sermon on the Mount wherever He went. He taught and then He demonstrated the Kingdom by healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons. Kingdom power affirmed His teachings and revealed the truths He was teaching them. Here is an excerpt from the video transcript to give you an idea of the lesson content.
I respectfully ask you to please watch and share this video. It is vitally important to share what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers in this hour. A simple share to one of the groups you subscribe to will do a lot to get the videos out.
In addition, I hope you will use the references below the video as a jumping off point for your personal study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you.