Hope Thoughts: Psalm 31

So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!

Dear Ones: As we explore the Hope verses, let them go down into your hearts. Hope is the companion of faith and draws strength and courage to you. It is a powerful force that stares in the faces of adversity but looks beyond it to the face of the LORD. When you look into HIS face, Hope rises up as Faith joins hands with it. As you look deeply into HIS face the fear, dread, and helplessness fades away. Hope shines the Light of HIS promises and Faith takes the steps to the next level of living in HIM.

May the Hope of the promise of this New Year bring courage and strength to your soul. May you look into the face of Jesus and see the revelation of HIS unwavering love for you and yours. It is a good day to allow Hope to have its way in your soul. I bless you in Jesus’ name.