Heaven’s Champion
February 25, 2024
I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
My Child:
As you enter this Lenten Season heading toward the remembrance of Resurrection Day, I want you to focus on My victory. I AM HEAVEN’S CHAMPION! I have the keys of death and hell so the grave cannot intimidate those who are in Me.
The Cross forever stands for all time as the place of My ultimate and complete victory and not defeat. I overcame everything for you. Everything the enemy could ever attack mankind with was vanquished as I took the keys from him. He is the loser; I AM the CHAMPION.
To those who are in Me, I gave them the right to exercise My glorious victory over all the power of the enemy. The liar will always lie because that is his nature. He has to get My people to believe the lie that the Cross was not a complete victory over him and his minions.
BUT the truth stands: MY VICTORY WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE COMPLETE! Not only am I Heaven’s Champion, but I sit at the right hand of the Father as MANKIND’S CHAMPION. I welcome those who overcome the flesh and the attacks of the enemy to sit on My throne with Me. From this place of unity in Me and with Me, you get to push back the encroaching darkness with the Light of My presence.
I AM Your CHAMPION, my precious one. Lean on Me and I will strengthen you with My joy and peace. It is a good day to think about these things. In all things you are able to be victorious in the face of impending defeat. Remember, the Cross seemed to be a defeat when in truth it was My complete victory for all of mankind.
I release My joy and peace to you, My overcomers. Shalom.
Jesus went into the grave with a divine boldness, not simply as a martyr. He was God’s Prince, God’s King, God’s Savior. He went into the grave God’s Conqueror. He was after something. He went after the power of death and He got it, and He took it captive, and He came forth from the grave proclaiming His victory over death. No more bowing before the accursed power that had been generated through sin. It was a captive. No more fear of hell! Do you hear it? No more fear of hell after Jesus Christ came out of the grave. He had death and hell by the throat and the key in His hands. He was Conqueror! When He came forth from the grave, He came forth bringing that wonderful Spirit of heavenly triumph that was begotten in the soul of Jesus because He had not failed.[1]
The Eternal One will shatter His foes; from His throne in heaven, He will thunder with rage. The Eternal One will be judge to the ends of the earth; He gives strength to His king, And power to the one He chooses to rule.
Scriptural References: Luke 10:19; John 8:44; 10:10; 1 John 5:4; Revelation 19:12
[1]https://christiandiet.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/John-G.-Lake-The-Complete-Collection-of-His-Life-Teachings-Roberts-Liardon-Christiandiet.com_.ng_.pdf (Christian Consciousness)