O Lord God,” I cried out; “O great and awesome God who keeps his promises and is so loving and kind to those who love and obey him! Hear my prayer!
Dear Ones: Hear My Prayer! Was Nehemiah’s impassioned plea on the day of trouble. Before he asked for help, Nehemiah, extolled the awesomeness of God. He declared his faith in his covenant-keeping God with those who love and obey Him. This is a good example for us to follow for we find ourselves in troublous times.
The outcome of the book of Nehemiah was to successfully rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, the people repented and returned to worshipping the True God. We the people of the United States find ourselves in a similar situation. The borders of our nation are in disrepair and worship of God has been judged non-essential by some in the government. But we have Nehemiah’s pattern to follow as the Spirit of God leads us to rebuild and fight. The spiritual war for the soul of America is ground zero. Our covenant with King Jesus is rooted in the US constitution that was birthed out of prayer meetings. As we return to Him, He keeps His promises and will guide this nation back to Himself.
Join your voice with other praying saints, “Lord, hear my prayer!” Declare that you believe His awesome power will ensure victory for those who are loyal to Him and love Him with their whole hearts. Speak healing upon the soul of this nation and expect to see His hand moving on our behalf. It is a good day to exercise the instructions in Job 22:28. “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.” Have a blessed day.