Healthy and Fresh

Like trees planted in the Temple of the Lord, they will grow strong in the courtyards of our God. When they are old, they will still produce fruit; they will be healthy and fresh. They will say that the Lord is good. He is my Rock, and there is no wrong in him.
Psalm 92:13-15 (NCV)

Dear Ones: Healthy and Fresh! The psalmist is declaring the goodness of the Lord over the righteous ones. In their old age they will produce good kingdom fruit and stay healthy and fresh. WOW! This is good news. The power of God residing in His righteous ones is able to inhibit the advanced aging process as we grow in Christlikeness.

You may ask, “Is this for real?” Yes, it is. However, we have been conditioned to expect our natural flesh to fall apart. For example, once we turn 40 years old, we expect to need bifocals to read small print. Baldness is expected too as a consequence of the aging process.

But we have Caleb’s testimony in Joshua 14:10-11, NLT. “Now, as you can see, the Lord has kept me alive and well as he promised for all these forty-five years since Moses made this promise—even while Israel wandered in the wilderness. Today I am eighty-five years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then.” When he was 85 years of age, Caleb took the region of Hebron in battle. He remained healthy and fresh because the Lord was with him.

Healthy and Fresh in Old Age

Is our youth automatically restored when we are born again? No, we must believe and act on the truth in the Word. We must line our words up with the truth revealed in the Scriptures. Speak in agreement with the Words of Life. Remember, we are no longer subject to the law of sin and death. We are now children of the Kingdom of Light. And the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ has set us free from incipient death (onset of death).

Declaration: “Even in my old age, I shall produce righteous kingdom fruit and remain healthy and fresh. I draw my strength and life force from the Spirit of Life that continually works in me. I am an overcomer because the greater One lives in me. Praise the Lord!” Have a healthy and fresh day. I bless you in Jesus’ name.

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