He Has Triumphed Gloriously

Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the Lord: “I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has hurled both horse and rider into the sea. …”
Exodus 15:1 (NLT)

Dear Ones: He Has Triumphed Gloriously! The scene of this jubilation takes place as the Red Sea closed over the horses and riders of the Egyptian army. This army was bent on the slaughter of the Israelites who escaped their slavery. We can almost hear the words, “Free at last; free at last!”

The dark one and his minions take great delight in attacking Christians at every opportunity. Sometimes we feel the breath of the horse and rider on our necks as we stand against demonic attacks. These attacks may be physical, emotional, or financial situations. But the Lord’s plans for our lives do not include defeat but glorious triumphs. In a real sense we experience our own Red Sea deliverance moments as the power of God responds to our faith in His ability to save us. Then we can sing our testimony songs of thanksgiving just like the Israelites did so long ago.

When the medical reports of remission come in, we can sing, “Free at last; free at last.” On the day the prodigals come home we can sing, “Look what the Lord has done!” When our debts are paid off, we can sing, “His mercies endure forever!”

Declare: “On that day I will sing, ‘He has triumphed gloriously over all my adversaries!’ My God is Bigger than all of the troubles that assail me today. I am a joyful overcomer! The Red Sea of His mighty power is wiping out all those troubles that have pursued me, my family, and my nation. It is a good day to rejoice in His ability to save His people. Praise the Lord!” I bless you in Jesus’ name.