
Praise God in his holy house of worship,
    praise him under the open skies;
Praise him for his acts of power,
    praise him for his magnificent greatness;
Praise with a blast on the trumpet,
    praise by strumming soft strings;
Praise him with castanets and dance,
    praise him with banjo and flute;
Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum,
    praise him with fiddles and mandolin.
Let every living, breathing creature praise God!
Psalm 150:1-6 (MSG)

Dear Ones: Hallelujah! Praising the Lord is an act of your will. The psalmist does not qualify his message for only when you feel happy or some blessing came your way. We are to praise Him with our whole hearts and souls just for being our Father, Savior, Teacher, Friend, our All-in-All. Our praise should not be restrained or hampered by cultural protocols. It must be a genuine expression of gratitude overflowing with thanksgiving for His love, mercy and grace.

You might say, “But there is so many evil and corrupt things happening, how can we really praise Him?” That is the point, this is the perfect time to jump into the Praise Pool and drive out the evil ones from around you and your family. If you are breathing, then the Lord has given you the breath of life—Praise Him for your life. Do you have food on your table, then praise Him for He is your provider. Are you able to walk and take care of yourself, then praise Him for that ability because all good things come from Him.

The evil one hates it when we Praise the Lord. It reminds him of where he fell from long ago. Take this weekend to consider these things and begin to use your weapon of praise. Yes, even when you do not feel like it. But once you start (even with a short song like Hallelujah) your attitude will change. The atmosphere around you will become supercharged with His presence. He always responds to true heart-felt praise.

May your Hallelujah praise carry you through this weekend. Receive His response into the atmosphere of your home. For the Word says that He inhabits the praises of His people. You are an overcomer, never see yourself as a victim. I bless you in Jesus’ name.