I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.
Dear Ones: Greatness of God’s Power! This is part of Paul’s prayer that is meant for all believers not just the Ephesians. Paul’s hope was that believers come to understand that incredible power is available to them through their inheritance in the Cross. This amazing power is the same power released by the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.
Throughout the Scriptures we are given examples of times when the mighty power of God was released on behalf of His people. His power split the Red Sea, toppled the walls of Jericho, sent fire down from Heaven, and many other times. But the Resurrection power that raised the Master from the dead not only restored life to His physical body but glorified His flesh. Paul tells us that we can comprehend or come to know that this great power is extended and available to us who believe. Because the same Holy Spirit lives in us.
God’s Power is Greater than the Enemy
The enemy works overtime to keep believers ignorant of the incredible greatness of God’s power they have available to them through the new birth. You can almost hear the lying voice of the enemy saying. “That was Paul, who do you think you are? When you were young, didn’t you do bad things?” When that voice starts up your answer should be. “My sins are covered under the Blood. I am a child of God, and all the benefits of the Cross are mine. My future is bright because I am an overcomer in Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in me.”
Declare today: “I desire to understand the incredible greatness of God’s power available to me through the Cross. This amazing power is at work in my spirit, soul, and body to bring everything into alignment with the Creator’s design for my body. I am the head and not the tail. And I will not listen to the lying voice of the enemy who comes to discourage and deceive me. Praise the Lord!” Have a power-filled day. I bless you in Jesus’ name.