First Forgive

But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your sins too.
Mark 11:25 (TLB)

Dear Ones: First Forgive! Did the Lord really say we are to forgive those who have hurt us, our family, and our nation? Yes, He surely did. What is it about unforgiveness that is so harmful? The Master explained that it keeps us from receiving from the Father the forgiveness we sorely need.

Unforgiveness is like a poison. As we continually sip at its cup, our souls are hardened, and a root of bitterness takes hold of our thoughts. The enemy enjoys replaying the incidents of hurt and betrayal that allow the root of unforgiveness to flourish into a tree of death and hate. However, we are instructed to use our mouths to express words of forgiveness and life in Proverbs 15:4a. “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.”

When we say, “I forgive you,” and mean it, we extract the root of bitterness and plant the root of the tree of life. True forgiveness is an act of faith not an emotional declaration. That is why the Master said we are to first forgive others then our prayers will be effective and produce good outcomes.

Declaration: “Lord, help me when I petition you to first forgive those who have hurt me, my family, and my nation. I hand them over to You. Only, You know the deep things of their hearts and how to reach them. I reject unforgiveness and release my faith to truly forgive so that I might be free and forgiven by You. It is a good day to rejoice in Your mercy and love. Praise the Lord!” Have an overcoming week. I bless you in Jesus’ name.

#Forgiveness #Godforgives #ForgivenandFree

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