Firmly in Place

He holds you firmly in place; He will not let you fall. He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you and never drift off to sleep.
Psalm 121:3 (VOICE)

Dear Ones: Firmly in Place! You are in His hands, and He will not let you slip or fall. The only one who can take you out of His hands is “YOU.” So, choose to remain in His grasp. This is a freewill choice. Is it that easy? No, because we have an enemy who is constantly trying to get us to agree with his lies. He is a liar. When he speaks it is a lie because there is no truth in him.

When you hear thoughts like, “God is too busy to care about your little problem.” That is a sure way to know the liar is talking. Depression, fear, doubt, and unbelief all have their roots in lies. The antidote for all these things is to fill yourself up with the Truth of Who God is and who you are in Him. The Lord does not take naps or drift off to sleep when you are praying. He is ever vigilant and watchful over every aspect of your life. He holds you firmly in place in His hands.

Declaration: “I know that my Father’s hands are holding me firmly in place. He will not let me fall or slip. The eyes of my Father are always on me, and He cares for me. He is forever vigilant and guards me even when I sleep. Thank you, Father, I choose to remain in your hands forever.” Have a blessed day in Jesus’ name.