(as it is written [in Scripture], “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the sight of Him in whom he believed, that is, God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.
Dear Ones: Calls Into Being! When the Father God spoke, the worlds came to be. There is creative power in the spoken word when it is mixed with faith. So, what do we learn from this verse? Our words are powerful because we are created in the image and likeness of God, Himself. We can use our words to speak life to the dead or call into being something that is not presently in existence. Or we can use our words to agree with the enemy whose goal is to steal, kill, and destroy.
What? How can this be? I don’t see evidence of such things. Yes, you do; and you do it every day. You speak in agreement with sickness and disease when you place “my” in front of its name. In a sense, you are giving it permission to persist against you. The TV commercials are constantly bombarding you with such ideas. They even make up tunes to sing about “your” disease while they joyfully promote a drug.
Call Into Being the Good
But we can choose to speak life, instead. Don’t accept the enemy’s thoughts of doom and death. Use your words to speak things into existence. For example, “cancer is an enemy and I will not allow it to take my life—I am cancer free. My Father God gave me life and my life is in Him. I am healed in Jesus’ name.” In like fashion, take the authority given to you in Christ and speak words of righteousness and justice to be restored in your nation. This is what it means to call into being that which does not exist, yet.
Declaration: “My Father calls things into being with His words. In like fashion, I use my faith-filled words against the attacks of darkness in my life, my family, and my nation. I repent of every word I spoke in agreement with the enemy’s attack. It was done in ignorance. Now, I know that my words are powerful. Holy Spirit help me to speak only life-giving words. Praise the Lord!” I bless you in Jesus’ name.