Make Thankfulness Your Sacrifice

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.
Psalm 50:14-15 (NLT)

Dear Ones: Make Thankfulness your Sacrifice! At first glance, that seems an odd thing to call a sacrifice. A sacrifice is an offering to God. However, it is not necessarily an animal offering on an altar, but something offered that comes at a cost. The act of being thankful can definitely cost us something, especially emotionally. When we are sorely pressed and pressured by the demands of life, a thankful attitude is most certainly a sacrifice. If we bring our emotions in line with the Word of God, we submit to His ways even while we are in a wilderness experience.

When you vow to follow the Lord and to love Him with your whole heart, then you are obligated to adhere to the vow even in hard times. The psalmist’s instruction is to call upon the Lord when you are in trouble. He promises to rescue you and to lead you out of the wilderness in victory. But all this comes because you make thankfulness your sacrifice to the Lord. Why can you be thankful in troublous times? Because your faith is rooted in His ability to help you no matter what you are facing. Thankfulness is an expression of your soul’s gratitude for His faithfulness.

Declare: “I shall follow the psalmist’s instruction: Make thankfulness your sacrifice. Therefore, I will let songs of thanksgiving and praise rise up even while I am in the wilderness. He is more than able to take care of me and see me through to victory. I am an overcomer. Praise the Lord!” Rejoice as you thank Him for His goodness. I bless you in Jesus’ name.

#thankful #BeThankful #sacrificeofpraise #Godsword

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