Poems from the Secret Place

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The format is changed in this video as I share Poems from the Secret Place with you. The Holy Spirit selected these poems to be shared in this venue at this time. I know they will bless you and bring His comfort to you as you listen. Here is an excerpt from the video transcript to encourage you to watch the video.

So, in summary, over the years I have come to realize that nothing is by chance, when the Lord is orchestrating something, He has an overarching purpose. After placing these poems in this order, I find that there is a message that runs through them. The first poem, “I Will Not Comply,” instructs us that our first step toward Overcoming Victory is to make the effort to refuse to be ruled by the voice of the enemy any longer. In the second poem, “Hoist Your Sails!” we realize we must break away from life as usual and allow the winds of His Grace to fill us with a desire to become closer to Him. The third poem, “The Voice of the Blood,” speaks of the Blood and how it enables us to overcome. And the fourth poem, “The Eagle and the Lion,” reminds us that it is not just about ourselves. There are nations full of others that are all on this road with us and God is leading each one of us—humans and nations—into His Victory.

I respectfully ask you to please watch and share this video. It is vitally important to share what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers in this hour. A simple share to one of the groups you subscribe to will do a lot to get the videos out.

In addition, I hope you will use the references below the video as a jumping off point for your personal study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you.

You can find more Spirit-given poems here


or mdovie.com

#Godsword #spiritgivenpoems #thesecretplace

Blessings & Courage in Jesus’ name.


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