You see, God did not give us a cowardly spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined spirit. …
because when you live in the Anointed One, Jesus, a new law takes effect. The law of the Spirit of life breathes into you and liberates you from the law of sin and death.
Dear Ones: Powerful, Loving, and Disciplined Spirit: When we read these two verses together, they flow with each other to make a complete statement. The power to enforce the law of the Spirit of Life is inherent within the Spirit, Himself. The Master knew we needed Holy Spirit to overcome the constant warfare of the dark one and his minions. John 14:15-16, 17b, VOICE, reveals. “If you love Me, obey the commandments I have given you. I will ask the Father to send you another Helper, the Spirit of truth, who will remain constantly with you. … But you do know the Spirit because He lives with you, and He will dwell in you.”
The enemy works overtime to keep us convinced that we are powerless in the here-and-now. He keeps us looking to the future with thought bombs like: Someday when we get to heaven, then we will be conquerors. But in heaven there is no enemy to conquer. The fight with the forces of evil is in this earth realm. That is why the Master requested the Father to send the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. He is a powerful, loving, and disciplined Spirit that causes us to overcome the law of sin and death.
Power of the Loving Spirit
The power of the Spirit enables us to resist the attacks of the devil as we submit to His leadership. This is why Paul declared that we are more than conquerors through Christ. Consider these things this weekend. The power, love, and discipline of the Spirit is available to us, but we have to partake of them to experience them.
Declare: “I am filled with the powerful, loving and disciplined Spirit of God. He is the same One Who raised the Master from the dead. As my Teacher and Guide, He walks me through all of the challenges I am facing. In Christ, I am a conqueror not a victim. Praise the Lord!” Have a blessed and power filled weekend in Jesus’ name.
#spiritofpower #MoreThanAConqueror #Godsword