Glory of God

New Video: Glory of God

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In this lesson we study the Glory of God. It is a vast topic but one we should investigate. My sister, Rosary Bullard, asked the Master to explain what she was feeling as she sat with Him in the secret place. She shares His response and what He said about Praise and Worship. Here is an excerpt from the video transcript to encourage you to watch the video.

            All throughout the book of Exodus, Moses and the Israelites experienced the glory of God in the pillar of fire by night and the cloud of His glory by day. While in the New Testament we experience the manifest presence of God in and through Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:9, AMPC, explains. “For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature].”
            Keep these things in mind as we proceed with the lesson using my sister’s, Rosary Bullard, journal entry from June 9, 2023, as a jumping off point. Rosary specifically asked the Master to explain the glory of God in a way she could clearly understand what she was experiencing as she sat in His presence.

I respectfully ask you to please watch and share this video. It is vitally important to share what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers in this hour. A simple share to one of the groups you subscribe to will do a lot to get the videos out.

In addition, I hope you will use the references below the video as a jumping off point for your personal study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you.

Blessings & Courage in Jesus’ name.


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