Contend for the Faith in Love

Now on Rumble: Ephesus—Contend for the Faith in Love

In this lesson we finish our study of the Ephesian letter with the subject: Contend for the Faith in Love. At the very beginning of the Church, there was a deluge of conflicting doctrines aimed at diluting or replacing the true Gospel message of Christ. We look at few of the writings that defended the true teachings of Christ. You can find the references I used below the video.

Today is no different. We are called to defend the Gospel message against the falsehoods of heresy. That means we need to be firmly grounded and convinced of the  power and truth of our salvation in order to defend it. But we must do it in love. Here is an excerpt from the video transcript to encourage you to watch the video.

The Lord’s commendations to the Ephesians centered on their valiant stand to maintain the purity of the message of the Gospel. This was an ongoing defense, as many false doctrines were appearing, some of which were being taught by those who once were highly regarded in the early Church leadership. (See Acts 6:3-6.) …
The Jewish Bereans were open-minded enough to listen to Paul when he came to their synagogue. They paid careful attention to everything he said and then searched the Scriptures (Old Testament) in order to either validate or refute Paul’s message. They followed this pattern daily. Even when they found Paul’s original words complied with the Old Testament Scriptures, they continued to check everything he said day after day to be sure they would not be deceived for oftentimes erroneous doctrines do contain some measure of truth.

I respectfully ask you to please watch and share this video. It is vitally important to share what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers in this hour. A simple share to one of the groups you subscribe to will do a lot to get the videos out. This is one way to contend for the faith in love.

In addition, I hope you will use the references below the video as a jumping off point for your personal study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you.

Blessings & Courage in Jesus’ name.


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