My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your feet go out from under you. He Who watches over you will not sleep.
Dear Ones: He Who Watches! Our God is omnipresent which means nothing is hidden from Him. Proverbs 15:3, MSG, reminds us that, “God doesn’t miss a thing— he’s alert to good and evil alike.” He is forever watchful over His children. Since He never tires, He is never caught napping when you call on Him for help.
God is also all-knowing. So, He knows about the evil plots of the enemy before they plan them. If we tune our ears to hear His voice, He will warn us so we will not get caught in the enemy’s traps. When the battle is over, we will still be standing because He keeps our feet from stumbling. His great power released toward us gives us victory over all the works of darkness.
The voice of the liar comes to whisper that God is too busy to care about your little problem. He challenges your image of His greatness and love toward you and yours. But remember he is a liar and cannot speak words unless they are laced with the poison of falsehoods. But your Father is He Who watches over you to keep you standing even in the midst of troubles.
Declare today: “My Father is He Who Watches over me, my family, and my nation. He knows how to keep me safe when the enemy attacks. I can rest at night knowing that He is forever vigilant and never sleeps on the job. I will stand through the storms and enjoy the victory that comes under His watchful eyes. Praise the Lord!” Have an awesome day. I bless you in Jesus’ name.