An Army of Light Bearers

Now on Rumble: An Army of Light Bearers

Paul is continuing to move our videos off of YouTube and onto Rumble. This is a precautionary measure because YouTube has been known to be unfriendly to the Christian posters on their site.

In this video, we investigate the meaning of being An Army of Light-bearers. In August 2016, the Lord gave me a poem about the Army of Light. This lesson expands on what He said and meant. At the end of the video, I read the poem. But here is an excerpt from the video transcript to encourage you to watch the video.

At the Cross, Jesus won the battle against Satan, vanquishing him and the forces of darkness for all time. However, our enemy is not an honorable one—he still holds Adam’s authority over the earth and will not admit defeat. He will scratch and claw and try to steal, kill, and destroy anyone or anything that he can. His primary tactic against us is in our thoughts—speaking lies, causing confusion, upset, and dissatisfaction within us. In this way, he recaptures the ground gained by Christ in our minds, wills, and emotions if we let him. Since we are living in a world that is oppressed by this current age of darkness, we are called to engage in a spiritual war. As children of God, we are to be led by His Spirit in all things; for He is the One Who equips us for battle. (See Romans 8:14.) We cannot use natural weapons to defeat a supernatural enemy. We must use our God-tools (weapons) for tearing down the hindrances that cause fear, doubt, unbelief, and ungodly philosophies to challenge the development of Christ-likeness in our inner man.

I respectfully ask you to please watch and share this video. It is vitally important to share what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers in this hour. A simple share to one of the groups you subscribe to will do a lot to get the videos out.

In addition, I hope you will use the references below the video as a jumping off point for your personal study. The Spirit will guide you and lead you.

Blessings & Courage in Jesus’ name.


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