5 Planets, 5 Judges

I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath:

Acts 2:19

We have been shown a great sign in the heavens. In the pre-dawn of June 24, 2022, 5 planets were lined up in the heavens. Then the decision of 5 judges broke the shame and curse of Roe v Wade off of our nation.

Praise be to GOD! Only HE could have orchestrated these happenings! ONLY HE IS LORD!

My husband, Paul Dovie posted this picture he took in the pre-dawn of June 24, 2022. Due to light noise he was not able to capture all of the planets. This is what he said: There were 5 planets that were in a line and the moon added to the lineup. I did not see Mercury or Saturn, but did see Venus, Mars and Jupiter.

I believe that in this case the Moon represents the LORD.

Blessings & Courage in Jesus’ name.

The LORD has bound HIMSELF by HIS Word to give us signs in the heavens and in the earth to confirm HE is moving among us.