Dear Ones: Soar on Wings! It is the hour of the eagles. The promise is to those who trust in the Lord and in the words of our Master. Psalm 18:2, NKJV, reveals. “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the…
Articles from February 2025
New Commandment
Dear Ones: New Commandment! On the night He was betrayed, the Master issued this new commandment (or in the current vernacular—an executive order). This commandment has never been rescinded by the Head of the Church. Our love walk is the hallmark that authenticates to the lost world that we are Christians. The Master was not…
Something’s Afoot
Dear Ones: Something’s afoot! Zechariah told the people in his day that the Lord was on the move in the land. Well, something’s afoot in this nation for sure. The deep shaking began in earnest. Many things are being exposed. The stench of the uncovered corruption is truly awful. Prophetic words warned that it was…
He Has Triumphed Gloriously
Dear Ones: He Has Triumphed Gloriously! The scene of this jubilation takes place as the Red Sea closed over the horses and riders of the Egyptian army. This army was bent on the slaughter of the Israelites who escaped their slavery. We can almost hear the words, “Free at last; free at last!” The dark…
Turn On My Light
Dear Ones: Turned on My Light! Our current culture has a similar expression called a “lightbulb moment.” The free dictionary defines it this way: A sudden ingenious or inspired idea or insight. David wrote this song to extol the wonders and power of God’s delivering hand on the day he declared victory over all his enemies. He testified that God gave him…