Dear Ones: Be Wise! These are good words to live by. The argumentative spirit that is afoot in the land today brings more importance to such words of life. Proverbs 15:1 tells us that, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Many people are angry because they feel their lives are out…
Articles from November 2023
Right on Time
Dear Ones: Right on Time! Though the Lord God lives outside of time, He has set appointed times when dealing with mankind. In these verses, He is instructing the prophet to write what he sees. This tells us that true prophets see what lies ahead. It may seem slow in coming but that does not…
The Power of Unity
Power of Unity Youtube: Click here for Rumble. In this video we study the Power of Unity. There is power in unity that we have yet to fully experience. The Lord Jesus prayed in John 17 that His followers would be unified through their relationship with Him. Unity of words and purpose is important to…
Look and be Amazed
Dear Ones: Look and be Amazed! The prophet cried out to the Lord God concerning the dismal state of affairs of his nation. There was violence and corruption all around. Habakkuk questioned God if his prayers were even heard, then God responded with these words. We can relate to Habakkuk’s situation because we are facing…
Cultivate Thankfulness
Dear Ones: Cultivate Thankfulness! During this busy holiday season it is a good thing to practice thankfulness. When you go to the store be thankful that you are able to purchase what you need. Be thankful that the store shelves are stocked, too. Before you go shopping, ask the Lord to direct your steps to…
An Attitude of Thanksgiving
Dear Ones: An Attitude of Thanksgiving! Our prayers should be seasoned with thanksgiving even as we focus on our requests. A grateful heart draws the mercies of the Lord because it reveals our faith in His ability to help us. In this verse, Paul urges the reader to be persistent and devoted to prayer. But…
When Life is Dark
Dear Ones: When Life is Dark! The righteous ones will be clothed in light. These are the ones who are merciful, filled with compassion, and thirst for justice. These words are so relevant to the times in which we are living. They also reveal that darkness has tried to overwhelm the world in the past.…
He Uncovers
Dear Ones: He Uncovers! The Light of the Lord shines into the darkness that surrounds us. He uncovers what was hidden and the deep corruption living in the shadows. In John 8:12, the Lord reveals, “Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, ‘I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’” When…
Trust in Him
Dear Ones: Trust in Him! These are the words of King Jesus to His disciples then and now. His words of comfort and truth urge us not to be afraid of what is happening around us. He knew that within hours His disciples were going to be traumatized by what they saw with their natural…
Infinitely Beyond
Dear Ones: Infinitely Beyond! WOW! He has mighty power, and that power is at work within us. When we go to Him in faith, asking anything according to His will, we get more than what we asked for. Paul released these words in prayer over the Ephesian Christians. But we can take hold of them…