Dear Ones: Living in the Light! It is our choice whether to live in the Light of His presence or let the darkness of this world infiltrate our beings. The darkness has always been around us. However, these days the darkness is no longer hiding in the shadows but has burst out into the open.…
Articles from May 2023
Teach Us
Dear Ones: Teach Us! In these confusing times it is essential that we have a discerning heart. The Word of God teaches us or gives us the ability to discern truth from lies and wrong from right. The ever-changing cultural norms of the world system is an unstable standard. For instance, what was considered acceptable…
Light that gives Life
Dear Ones: Light that gives Life! He is The Light of the World and in Him there is no darkness. When we follow Him, this scripture is fulfilled. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). Christians carry the Light of the World in their triune being: spirit, soul, and body. His Light is in…
The Authority of Christ
In this video we will delve into the topic: The Authority of Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? You may answer this question with a learned catechism reply. But the Lord is waiting for you to search your heart and answer this question from your personal experience. The Lord told His disciples that all authority was…
He Leads Me
Dear Ones: He Leads Me! It has been God’s way from the beginning to provide a pathway for mankind to follow and return to Him. Even when Israel sinned and wandered in the wilderness, He stayed with them and led them. Yes, what a remarkable way to lead with a pillar of cloud by day…
His Footsteps
Dear Ones: His Footsteps! They make a pathway for us to walk on and avoid the pitfalls set by the dark one. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. As Christians He sits on the throne of our hearts, hence, the pathways of our lives are founded on His righteousness. In these chaotic…
Eat the Word
Dear Ones: Eat the Word! In my time of private meditation, I was speaking the Word of God and writing it on the tablet of my soul and inner core of my flesh. Psalm 45:1 reveals that the tongue is the pen of a ready writer. The pen of the tongue is the way to…
Bold as Lions
Dear Ones: Bold as Lions! Boldness is woven into your spiritual DNA because you are in Christ. When you choose to be led by the Spirit of God, you are recognized in Heaven as a son. Romans 8:17 declares that we are considered joint heirs with Christ in the eyes of our Father God. This…
Video–The Teachings of the Lord
The Teachings of the Lord In this video we will delve into the topic: The Teachings of Christ. The parables spoken and the healings done by our Lord get a lot of attention. But He always taught the people first. The Sermon on the Mount is a composite of the teachings He taught over and…
Great Reward
Dear Ones: Great Reward! A reward is defined as something that is given in return for good or evil done or received or that is offered or given for some service or attainment. The Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (See Hebrews 11:6.) He is constantly looking for a way to…