Dear Ones: As we continue to explore joy in the Scriptures, we discover its connection to our health and well-being. The work of the dark one tries to get us to focus on what he is doing, which is filled with darkness. But our GOD is greater than he is and HIS work is filled…
Articles from November 2021
Joyful Thoughts: Psalm 63
Dear Ones: We enjoy a Thanksgiving feast once a year, but with joy and praise we can continually feast on HIS presence. HIS presence is a rich banquet of pleasure to our souls. Yes, even in these chaotic times, we can feast on peace, joy, love, kindness, faithfulness, patience and all the other fruits of…
Joyful Thoughts: Psalm 35
Dear Ones: Joy is defined as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : DELIGHT;a state of happiness or felicity : BLISS. The joy of knowing that God is for us even in trying times comes from our faith in HIS goodness toward us. HE delights and takes…
Joyful Thoughts: Psalm 5
Dear Ones: After we emerge from our focus on giving thanks to the LORD, let us turn our gaze to the reasons to be joyful, yes, even in the face of the encroaching darkness. HE sets a table for us in the presence of our enemies: our table of thanksgiving. As we partake of the…
Our Latest Video & Happy Thanksgiving
Our Latest Video: Truth versus Deception The Good News is that the LORD is still on the Throne. King Jesus is Ruler over this nation and the nations will all bow to Him. The deceiver is good at his job, but Holy Spirit is better. HE will enable you to distinguish between the truth and…
Thanksgiving Thoughts: Psalm 100
Happy Thanksgiving!! May the blessings of the LORD shower down upon you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day. Even during these trying times, HE is ever faithful. Our walk in the wilderness is not solitary. But HE is with you every step of the way. God bless you as you thank HIM. I bless you…
Thanksgiving Thoughts: John 14:2
Dear Ones: As we prepare ourselves, our homes, and our food for Thanksgiving Day, let us consider that the LORD is preparing a place for us, too. Even as we take time to fix favorite dishes and to make ready to receive our guests into our homes, there is even greater preparations going on in…
Thanksgiving Thoughts: Psalm 136
Dear Ones: Upon reading the book of Psalms, you see this verse repeated quite often. When the Spirit says something once it is important. In the mouths of two or three witnesses a thing is established according to the Scriptures. But when it appears in the Holy Writ over and over again there is an…
Thanksgiving Thoughts: 1 Corinthians 15
Dear Ones: As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let us be mindful of what we are thankful for. Even in our darkest moments when the enemy of our souls presses us hard, we, as Christians, still have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The victory is within even as the Kingdom is within us. The blessed…
Thanksgiving Thoughts: Psalm 119
Dear Ones: Continuing in the theme of Thanksgiving, I release this verse to you today. Many times we find ourselves looking at the clock instead of sleeping a peaceful sleep. The events of the day rehash in our minds and the voice of the tormentor comes to stir up fear and anxiety. But this verse…